A full-bodied, sweet, rich, and juicy wine with flavors of pineapple, dried apricot, and honey.
Tasting Notes
Pairing Notes
Food: Pineapple upside-down cake
Song: “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” The Beatles’
Book: Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, Lewis Carroll
Better with timeVintage
Serving Temperature
A portion of the Diamond juice we brought in for the 2022 vintage was frozen solid and then thawed and dripped off to concentrate sugar, aromatic, and flavor components leveraging the same chemical principles used to make icewines. The juice was fermented in neutral French oak barrels with Torulaspora yeast — a non-Saccharomyces species with limited alcohol tolerance — which allowed the fermentation to arrest itself with residual sugar. One barrel was inoculated with lactic acid bacteria to perform a partial malolactic fermentation.
Tech Notes:
Blend: 100% Diamond
Appellation: Finger Lakes
Residual Sugar: 20.0%
PH: 2.96 pH
TA: 21.3 g/L